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Help with your mood 

There may be two main issues for people who are isolating – anxiety or low mood (sometimes called depression).


We know that sometimes, what we do and how we think about the situation around us, can make us feel worse. 


A type of therapy called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT for short) can help. This recognises that we can’t always change a situation we are in, but how we think about that situation and what we do in that situation, may help improve our mood. 

Anxiety and low mood can worsen in cycles. Some of the things we do in the short term to help us feel better, may contribute to us feeling worse in the longer term. If we feel worse yet do more of the things that are not helpful, our mood can worsen further

The list of ideas in the next few pages will help you avoid these cycles developing and maintain your mood.

If you feel you need a little further support you can also use the workbook attached here to help manage your thoughts to improve your mood and manage anxiety.

If you need help in supporting children’s mental health through the current situation, help can be found here


A list of activities for helping with depression and anxiety.

Whilst you are isolating, shielding or distancing yourself, set yourself a routine and stick to it – our brains like routines - it will give you something to focus on and keep you motivated. Make sure it includes pleasurable activities and things that give you a sense of achievement, not just all the chores around the house. You can use this activity dairy to plan out your week. If you place it somewhere you can see it every day, it will help you keep your plan in mind and be more likely to stick to it.

The Royal Society for Occupational Therapists also offer the following advice:

  • Establish a daily routine. Routines provide structure and purpose.

  • Balance your weekly routine so you have a good mix of work (activities that have to be done), rest and leisure.

  • Think about the regular activities that are most important to you. What are the important elements to these? Can you adapt them to carry out in the home? For example, instead of a class, following an online strength training routine.   

  • Set daily goals to provide purpose and a sense of achievement. This might include working through that list of the things you keep meaning to do but never get round to?

  • Identify the triggers that make you feel low and look for ways to reduce or manage them.

  • Talk with family, friends and neighbours to help them understand how you feel and how they can help. Can they talk you through using apps on your mobile phone, for instance?

  • Take care of yourself. Eat and drink healthily with plenty of fruit, vegetables and water to support your immune function and energy levels. For more information see BDA website 

  • Avoid staying still for too long. Exercise and regular movement will maintain fitness and strength. If you are working from home, take breaks and eat away from your “desk.”


  • ​Have a good sleep routine. If you are struggling, try avoiding tea and coffee in the late afternoon and evening, take a bath, using blackout curtains, listening to gentle music or deep breathing exercises.


  • If this goes on longer that 2 – 3 weeks speak to First Step - for mental heal support in South Cumbria on 0300 555 0345. If you can read and remember documents, they have therapies that can help.

  • Keep in touch. Arrange to speak to someone most days on the phone, through social media or over the garden fence (keeping 2 meters away). The resources below have lists of people you can contact and talk to.

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