The Ripple Effect of Brain Injury, Count the Ripples, Count the Cost
Headway South Cumbria held its very successful conference on Friday 18th May 2018 at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal.
Attended by over 170 people, it gave an opportunity to listen to leading professionals working with people with brain injuries and their families. It proved useful for members from all walks of professional life and for people living with brain injuries, their families and carers.
The presentations from the main programme speakers can be found here:
Keynote speaker, His Honour Judge John Potter Resident Judge, Manchester Crown Court “When two worlds collide - Brain injury and crime”
Dr. Ivan Pitman Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist “The prison population with brain injuries, the consequence of falling through the net”
Louise Sheffield Clinical Case Manager, Registered Intermediary “Supporting vulnerable adults in CJS”
Professor Gus Baker Consultant and Emeritus Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology “Psychological adjustment after brain injury”
Dr. Audrey Daisley Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist “Parenting after brain injury”
Dr. Giles Yeates Clinical Psychologist and Charlie Wilson trainee Clinical Psychologist “Sex and intimacy after brain injury”
The presentations from the parallel workshop programme can be found here:
Dr. David Footitt Consultant Neurologist “Living with epilepsy”
Dr. Jitka Vanderpol “Managing headaches after brain injury”
Dr. Giles Yeates Clinical Psychologist “Sex and intimacy after brain injury”
Members of the Cumbria ABI Rehab team “Fatigue after ABI”